


Inventory search with export

cohenaj194 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Should make something capable of scanning through your bags and banks. Then we get:

  • item ids of everything in your bags
  • quantity of each item in your bags
  • items in your bank

Then we export it to json the web app can use. We can run this through something like export search to find the best server to sell it on for crazy people with hundreds of different items to track.


This is gonna be an interesting one. There is an addon called BagAppraiser, it does the item count and all, but to show how much worth you have. It is horribly slow. Need to check if I can make it faster. Will take some time though


Oh nice so we can totally fix the speed issue oof BagAppraiser. The issue with most of these seems to be running ingame ah operations. So if we just write the data of item ids and quantities to a file like we do for undercuts then we can run it through a webpage or AAA alert.

We can also store one for each character and realm like we do for the undercut addon so that you can view absolutely all items you have on all alts across all realms in one page