Safe Armory Classic Addon

Safe Armory Classic Addon


What is Safe Armory Classic?

It is a tool that uploads your character into one
informative profile that allows to track equipment, inventory,
reputation and professions in most comfortable way.

Safe Armory Classic Logo

Keep your character online with help of Safe Armory!

Safe Armory Classic Addon

Safe Armory addon is mandatory for classic profiles
as Blizzard didn't support Armory back in Vanilla times.
Install this addon to use classic version of Safe Armory.

How to use the Addon

1. Click on the minimap icon

Safe Armory Classic Addon. How to use Guide. Step 1.

2. Copy the code

Safe Armory Classic Addon. How to use Guide. Step 2.

3. Paste the code into form here

Safe Armory Classic Addon. How to use Guide. Step 3.

4. Enter your Region, Realm and Name
5. Click «Create profile»

Your Armory is ready!

Take a look at an example of what your Armory will look like.

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Safe Armory Classic Example

1. Equipment and Stats ► view on site

Safe Armory Classic Example - Character

2. Inventory ► view on site

Safe Armory Classic Example - Inventory

3. Reputation ► view on site

Safe Armory Classic Example - Reputation

4. Professions and Weapon Skills ► view on site

Safe Armory Classic Example - Professions