Salvage Crates

Salvage Crates



Salvage Crates is an easy way to open Salvage Yard crates. While inside your Salvage Yard, clickable buttons will appear for each type of crate you have.

Right click and drag to move the buttons.

  • Remaining Bag Space - Easily show the number of remaining inventory space right on top of the buttons.
  • Button Alignment - change the way the buttons are added. Either to the left or the right.
  • Follower Enhancement Tokens - Easily allow clickable buttons for follower tokens, just like salvage crates.

Slash Commands

  • '/SalvageCrates'
  • '/SalvageCrates show|hide' - Toggle the buttons.
  • '/SalvageCrates left|right' - Set button alignment.
  • '/SalvageCrates free' - Toggle text for remaining inventory space.
  • '/SalvageCrates tokens' - Toggle display of follower weapon and armor tokens.
  • '/SalvageCrates reset' - Reset all settings.

Bug Tracker / Feature Requests

Please submit Bugs and/or Feature Requests using the Ticket System on the CurseForge Project page. Please provide as much information as possible, including your client language, the exact version you are running, how to reproduce any errors, and a stack trace, if applicable.