SappableNameplates (TBC)

SappableNameplates (TBC)


DEPRECATED and will not be updated anymore!

I suggest you to use UnitInCombat instead, as it's being updated regularly:

Inspired by the addon Sappable

Shows a sap icon next to nameplate when target is out of combat. This addon can be used to easily see when you can land a sap or to see when a spellcaster can drink etc.


The addon was made for personal use only,  so you cannot change the position/scale/icon easly from ingame. But luckily this isn't as hard as you'd think.

- Open SappableNameplate.lua and you can find the size and positioning setting in the 'ShowSapIcon' funciton ('unitFrame.myIndicator:SetSize' and 'unitFrame.myIndicator:SetPoint')

The performance isn't the best probably, but it works for now.

DO NOT intend to keep this addon updated, so please if someone wants to take over the project and further develop it, please feel free to do so.

This can easily be ported to retail, just add more "creature types" in the 'CreatureCanBeSapped(unit)' function.