



"You're a long way from the top without a Sausage Roll" - Coder_Qwade

SausageRolls was born of a need to have a /roll equivalent in guild chat for people to get random pieces of loot/gear that guildies had found. "Sausage" is an element of the guild name, and "roll" should be obvious.

To start or participate in a roll you must have the addon installed.  Anyone who has the addon installed can kick off a roll which automatically ends after 30 seconds, configurable in the options. Anyone online at the time can participate in a roll (including the person that started the roll). Results are collated by the person starting the roll and then all the roll results are displayed in descending order.

Slash Commands

All commands can be accessed by /sausagerolls or /sr

Admin Slash Commands

/sr *go - start a roll in guild

/sr *stop - stop an active roll early

/sr *reset - force the internal game state to reset. This is used when the internal game state gets stuck and should be needed rarely

User/All Slash Commands

/sr (roll | r) - participate in the currently running roll

/sr (version | ver | v) - display the version of the addon

/sr (options | opt | o) - open the addon configuration page

/sr enable - enable the addon

/sr disable - diable the addon

Hidden/Internal options

These are generally not useful for anything other than addon maintenance/debugging

/sr s - display the current game state

/sr w - force a version compatibility check


Install and you're ready to go. Configure the length of time a roll is active for by typing /sausagerolls opt or /sr opt or by navigating to Options->Interface->AddOns->SausageRolls.