


   Author: Shaun Voysey

 Based on: SC_ChaChing by Karin of the Sleeper Cartel - Perenolde server

    Notes: The Author has been changed because this is So significantly different to the 'Sleeper Cartel' Version, that the only original things are 2 function names, the ChaChing Sound file, and the layout of this readme. :)

------------ INTRODUCTION ------------

Plays an old-style cash register cha-ching sound, every time an auction of yours sells!

The Sounds should, in theory, play as the code uses Blizzards Global Strings.

Unfortunately, the Configuration section will need the Localisation file updating.

Please e-Mail me with the Updates to that file.

----------------------------- REQUIREMENTS and INSTALLATION ----------------------------

If you had the previous version, please remove the SC_ChaChing folder first.

Place the "SC_ChaChing" folder here:

        (World of Warcraft folder) ==> Interface ==> AddOns

-------------------- INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE -------------------

Whenever an auction of yours sells, you will automatically hear a "cha-ching!" sound.

This way you'll never miss an auction selling while you're online, and get an added bit of satisfaction :)

This has a GUI Configuration section.

Allowing the player to change whether or not to play the sounds for Sold, Expired, Outbid or removed, on a per Realm basis.

The Sold sound, by default, is flagged to on.

You'll find this in the Interface Options - Addons section.

------------ KNOWN ISSUES ------------

None at the Moment.

------------ FUTURE PLANS -----------

None at the Moment.

If you have any suggestions/Localisations, please contact the author at 'sv.public <at>'