Season of Discovery Alts

Season of Discovery Alts


An addon that helps you keep track of alts during World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery.

Runes, books, pvp factions, weekly quests etc.

The addon is in active development, it might behave strange at times.

Planned features:

  • Phase 3 changes
  • Profession quests
  • (Maybe) Sync between accounts

Known issues:

  • Deleted characters can't be removed
    • You can disable them in the settings until I fix this


  • I don't want to see X
    • You can disable individual lines in the "Sections" part of addon settings
  • Why don't you add feature X
    • I might not have thought of it. Check out my planned features and make a suggestion if it's not there. I also accept pull requests on github.
  • Why don't my professions show up when I play in a non-english language?
    • The API support for finding out which professions you have is very limited. I have to compare language-specific names to find it out. I only have a limited amount of languages added, please let me know which one you use and I'll look at adding it.
  • Why is the addon only half translated?
    • There are a lot of strings and this is just a hobby project. I'll gladly accept any help adding translations. Please see the readme in the Source page.