1. Introduction

It is an add-on for people who prefer Blizzard's default UI rather than other UIs.

This addon provides a minor tuning for your default UI.

2. General tunings

suppressed Blizzard FCT spamming (e.g., periodic heals, periodic absorb)

self combat text is scaled to 80%.

status text is displayed in abbreviated format (e.g., 250k/250k to 250k)

suppressed healing and damage spams on player's portrait

pet frame is scaled to 90%

suppressed macro names on action bar

gryphon textures next to action bar are supressed

loss of control frame is scaled to 90%

loot frame is scaled to 90%

position of  player and target frame is slightly adjusted

3. Class specific tunings

Death Knight :

     added cooldown display script for runes (both center resource bar and player unit frame)

     center rune is scaled to 170%

Shaman (resto) :

     player is positioned to bottom in Blizzard raid frame (default position : top)

     'Undulation' buff display

     'Queen Ascendant' buff display


Rogue :

     suppressed stance bar

     combo bar is scaled to 150%  (center resource frame)

Warrior : 

     Overpower buff display