Sessions Messenger

Sessions Messenger


Sessions Messenger is a tab-based chat interface built for convenience and with a touch of role-playing in mind. It handles whisper conversations and offers support for group, guild, /say, and emote channels.

- A large text input box for typing long messages, allowing for vertical scrolling to double-check what you just typed a minute ago
- Send messages longer than the 255 characters limit
- All your active conversations organized in one place: no additional windows!
- Save message history
- Message history editing: substitute words, remove timestamps and merge multi-posts before mass-copying a roleplay session or an important conversation for safekeeping
- Support for roleplay names if a RP addon is installed
- Know when others are typing (Requires both parties to have Sessions)

The hub button will initially appear in the middle of the screen. Notifications will grow from it, so position it somewhere accordingly! Click on the button to open Sessions. Check out the quick options (gear icon) to modify behaviour and appearance, and remember to set keybinds!
- Toggle UI: "/sessions"
- Start a session: "/tt name" or "/talkto name"

No promises if used alongside similar addons, but Sessions is not intrusive so it should be fine. Localization efforts are still pending.

Please send me your bugs and/or feedback so I can make Sessions the best it can be. Thank you for giving it a shot, and spread the word if you like it!