




This is a module that allows you to access hashing algorithms inside your addon.

Currently supports CRC32, SHA256 and RSA.


  • SexyLib-Core is required.
  • LibStub is required.
  • AceSerializer-3.0 is required.
  • LibCompress is required.


Sha256(msg) - calculate SHA256 of the given string.

  • msg - string over which SHA256 must be calculated.

SexyLib:Hashing() - retrieve hashing API instance to work with from your addon.

hashing:Crc(str, length) - calculate CRC32 of the given string and take it's hexdigest trimmed to the given length.

  • str - string over which CRC32 must be calculated.
  • length - the length to which hexdigest of the crc will be trimmed.

hashing:Sign(value, privateKey, publicKey) - calculate signature of the input value for given keys.

  • value - the value over which signature must be calculated.
  • privateKey and publicKey - see exact definition inside function DSA_test at the end of dsa.lua file.
  • Returns two values:
    • signature - expected result.
    • error - string, if something went wrong.

hashing:Validate(value, signature, publicKey) - validate signature of the input value for given public key.

  • value - the value for which we're validating signature.
  • signature - already calculated signature of the value.
  • publicKey - see exact definition inside function DSA_test at the end of dsa.lua file.

Included libraries