




This is a module that allows you to easily work with addon-messages inside your addon.


Whilst using this module, you can create various channels for you addon, each of them can have own handler, ingame-channel filter (i.e. you can make channel working only with GUILD/WHISPER).


You can not only send some data to other users of your addon, but also send network-callbacks, which can respond with callbacks.


  • SexyLib-Core is required.
  • SexyLib-Localization is optional, but recommended.
  • LibStub is required.
  • LibDeflate is required.
  • AceSerializer-3.0 is required.
  • AceComm-3.0 is required.
  • AceAddon-3.0 is required.


SexyLib:InitNetwork(addonName, prefixLength, defaultCallbacksTimeout, blacklistCheckingFunc) - creates new network API instance to work from your addon.

  • addonName - name of your addon.
  • prefixLength - to minimize the traffic sent, there's a limitation in design of this module that requires you to specify maximum length of your channel names. This argument is exactly that value.
  • defaultCallbacksTimeout - defaults to 2 (seconds); for how much time senders of callbacks without specified timeout will wait for any response.
  • blacklistCheckingFunc - function that receives playerName and must return true whether network shall ignore any network packets from the given player. Defaults to nil (so there's no blacklisting at all).

SexyLib:Network(addonName) - retrieve network API instance for the given addon.

  • addonName - name of the addon for which you're willing to retrieve network API instance.

network:NewChannel(channelPrefix, ingameChannel, func) - register new channel within your network.

  • channelPrefix - unique name of your channel. Must be of length you specified with network API instance initialization. You may not use channel name consisting only of zeroes.
  • ingameChannel - defaults to nil; whether you want to limit this channel by specific ingame-channel only, pass it there.
  • func - handler for any messages that're being received via this channel. Function that accepts the following arguments:
    • sender - nickname of the player that sent the message.
    • data - data of the message itself.
    • callbackID - equals to zero whether message received doesn't await any response back. Otherwise can be used for responsing (read below).
    • ingameChannel - ingame-channel from which this message came.

network:Send(techChannel, ingameChannel, target, data, messageType) - send network message.

  • techChannel - name of your channel to which message will be sent.
  • ingameChannel - ingame-channel to which message will be sent.
  • target - if previous argument is set to WHISPER, this is a field to pass a player name; otherwise it must be nil.
  • data - data of the message itself.
  • messageType - defaults to BULK. Can be one of BULK, NORMAL, ALERT. If you need more information about this field, there's nothing more than a reading on the Internet.

network:SendWithCallback(techChannel, target, data, callback, timeout, timeoutHandler) - send network message with callback. There's no ingame-channel specification, because you can send data with callback only via whispering.

  • techChannel - name of your channel to which message will be sent.
  • target - nickname of the received of your message.
  • data - data of the message itself.
  • callback - function that will be executed once response is received. Accepts the following arguments:
    • sender - nickname of the player that sent the response.
    • data - data of the response message.
  • timeout - amount of time (in seconds) for which you will wait a response. Defaults to the value passed with this network API instance initialization.
  • timeoutHandler - function without any arguments that will be executed whether timeout for response awaiting happened. Defaults to nil.

network:ResponseCallback(target, data, callbackID) - send a response to received message that awaits it. Must be used within channel's message handlers.

  • target - nickname of the response receiver.
  • data - data of the response message.
  • callbackID - argument that is being passed to the channel's message handler.