


ShammyShields is a small addon that tracks the duration and charges of your Water, Lightning, and Earth Shields. It also shows the cooldown, if any, remains on your reincarnate.

Shield Overview

ShammyShields has two shield icons. The top one is your personal shield and changes between Water and Lightning based on what you have on. The time remaining on your shield shows up to the right, and charges are displayed on the icon itself. If you are specced into the Earth Shield Talent a second icon will show up underneath your shield. This will show the name of the person you have your Earth Shield on as well as time and charges. Icons fade when shield is not active.

Both Icons are now buttons that can be used to refresh your shields. The top one defaults to Lightning Shield when either Ele or Enh spec, and to Water Shield when Resto spec. It will change to which ever you last cast though.

The Earth Shield button will cast on either your target or yourself the first time, after that it will continue to reapply to that same target. To change the target you have to cast it on any other target, either by casting from action bars, mouse-over-macros, etc.

NOTE: The buttons can only update which shield you are using and who your Earth Shield is on while out of combat, this is a limitation by Blizz, can't modify the button spell or target while in combat.


The status of Reincarnate is displayed in the top of the frame if you have learned the spell. It will show the time remaining on its cooldown or that it is ready.


The Options page can be reached through the slash command "/ssoptions" or the in game addon page, Esc->Interface->Addons->ShammyShields. There are options allowing you to customize the look of ShammyShields, things you can modify are:

  • Colors of all the text
  • Text size of shield charges
  • Background Transparency
  • Scale
  • Out of Combat Transparency
  • Toggle to lock position

You can drag the frame anywhere on your screen by holding down the right mouse button. If you manage to drag the frame offscreen, "/ssreset" will recenter it on your screen.


Names and shield timers can now be hidden. When hiding the timers Earth Shield can be displayed to the right of Water Shield instead of below.


It is possible to define anchors for the ShammyShields, one for each spec. As such you can position the frame in relation to other parts of the UI, and have it move automatically when switching specs. Dragging the frame with the mouse will stay relative to the frame you chose. Anchors are found under ShammyShields options


If you find any bugs or errors please post them here so I can fix them, I will do my best to be quick about it.

Also feel free to post suggestions or things you would like added, I can't promise I can make them all happen but I will try.