Share the Wealth

Share the Wealth


"Share the Wealth" is a simple WoW addon to ease listing, rolling, and distribution of tradeable personal loot and BOEs within your party or raid group. Any players that wish to view or interact with StW listings must have this addon installed.

This is my first addon, and as such, the code is pretty ugly, but it is tested and functional. Code cleanup is expected in the near future.

Currently no other localization options, only works for the U.S. English (en-US) locale. I will not be focusing on localization until all basic features are implemented.

Upcoming Planned Features (in no particular order):

- Option to remove ended entries when desired, instead of automatically

- Functionality to "pass" on an item, similar to group loot frames

- Automatically end listing when no remaining party members are eligible to roll

- Custom timers for listings

- Display top 5 rolls on mouseover of "Top Roll" field

- Button on loot popup window to auto-create item listing

- Extra frame item info like sockets, secondary stats, warforges, etc.

- General UI beautification

- Code cleanup and commenting (code vomit game is strong)

- Less LUA, more XML

Big thank you to <Rainbow Team Alpha> on Kul Tiras for listening to me talk about this non-stop, providing feedback, and for helping with the testing! You all are the best!