SharedMedia: No Asian Fonts


Removes the Chinese and Korean versions of default game fonts from SharedMedia in Western and Russian game clients.

You can also use it to remove other unwanted fonts; for example, if you have an addon that registers a bunch of fonts you’ll never use and don’t want to see in your font menus, you can add their names to the “remove” list in this addon’s Lua file.


There is no reason for these fonts to be registered by default outside of Chinese and Korean game clients, as they are virtually identical to Friz Quadrata and just clutter up the font menu with duplicates for most users.

A general-purpose library like LibSharedMedia-3.0 should not annoy the average user just to cater to the extremely small minority who want to use Chinese and Korean characters in a Western or Russian game client, especially when those users are already using other addons to enable East Asian characters in the chat frame and provide other language-specific features. Adding Chinese and Korean fonts to SharedMedia should be handled by such addons, not by LibSharedMedia-3.0 itself.

However, the author of LibSharedMedia-3.0 does not agree, so I created this addon to clean up my font menus.


Post a comment on WoWInterface. If you are reporting a bug, please first make sure you have the latest version from this page, and then include detailed instructions I can follow to reproduce the bug myself, whether the bug still happens when all other addons are disabled, and the exact text of the accompanying error message (if any).