


< One Night Stand > Shared Media Library


The One Night Stand Shared Media Library is a powerful and versatile media library designed specifically for the gaming guild "One Night Stand". It provides enhanced audio quality and the ability to quickly add sound files for specific encounters during gameplay.

Key Features

  1. High-Quality Audio: The library is equipped with advanced audio processing capabilities, ensuring immersive and crystal-clear audio experiences for guild members.
  2. Ease of Use: The One Night Stand Shared Media Library is designed to be user-friendly, allowing guild members to effortlessly access and utilize a wide range of sound files.
  3. Quick File Addition: Our library allows for seamless and rapid integration of new sound files, ensuring that specific encounters and gaming scenarios can be enhanced with the most appropriate audio effects.


We welcome contributions from fellow developers and guild members to enhance the One Night Stand Shared Media Library.


If you encounter any issues, have suggestions, or require further assistance, please refer to the file in the repository. Our dedicated support team is ready to address your concerns and provide prompt assistance.


The One Night Stand Shared Media Library is released under the MIT License. Please review the file in the repository for more details.


We would like to express our gratitude to the open-source community and the contributors who have made this library possible. Without their efforts, this project would not have been successful.