


This addon is a tool that helps with loot distribution during the raid.

The benefits of this addon is that only one person needs to have it installed. The way it works is: raiders whisper the items they want to share with the designated person that has the addon installed, they get a list of items and with the press of a button, the whole process is streamlined, raid warnings with the items, countdowns, automatic roll capture, automatic disqualification for armor types / weapons and stats.


  • add whispered items to a pending queue
  • start any roll individually or create a rolling queue from the pending list
  • live-track the rolls
  • guild ranks based priority
  • declining roles for wrong gear type on MS and OS rolls
  • support for any non-equippable items
  • prioritize players with lower item level in the same guild/rank based on a threshold
  • rollout history with complete roll list
  • grouping items
  • handling multiple winners
  • detecting multiple items in whispers
  • history cleanup
  • pause / resume
  • manual fail reason

Known Bugs

  • addon requires elvui and addonskins otherwise elements are not aligned (everything still works, but there are some weird spaces)
  • pressing the group button does not take into account sockets or extra stats (it will just group everything and some of the items will be lost)
  • sometimes, a "ghost" button appears that seems to be linked to the window, but is not interactable (closing and re-opening the window should fix that)