Simple Beast Cleave Tracker


This addon aims to be very simple and lightweight.

It's main objective is to add a tracker for when beast cleave is up on your pet.

Optionally it can also help with:
* Track Frenzy stacks.
* Track Tar Trap. Since bosses won't be affected by the debuff, the time can not be tracked accurate. So this tracker tries a best effort by auto starting 1.5 sec after you cast Tar Trap and checking for debuff for 3 seconds after you cast Tar Trap and if debuff is found the timer is updated to reflect that, else it will just use the auto start.
* Show an alert if you forget to summon a pet, or your pet dies.
* Announce in party chat when you cast Binding Shot

It has very basic config for the trackers:
- Size
- Position
- Layer Strata