Simple Blacklist for Classic

Simple Blacklist for Classic


Simple Blacklist for Classic

Discord server:


Add players to a blacklist which is accessible in the Social display, when hovering or joining a group with a blacklisted player you will get a system alert. Export and Import via CSV.

Basic guide for usage:

Open the Social window (default binding is "o") and click the new Blacklist button at the top. Add, remove, import, and export are available. Once you add a player and click on them in the list it will open a details pane with additional information on the player. Self explanatory when you see it.

Check out your local community discords to see if they have any pre-made lists for you to use.

List of slash commands

/blhelp or /blacklisthelp - shows a help window
/blsync or /blacklistsync - initiates an import of a sync list if added to the addon
/bl or /blacklist - allows you to add a new player to your blacklist.
/blexport or /blacklistexport - allows you to export your blacklist
/blimport or /blacklistimport - allows you to import a blacklist
/bldatanuke or /blacklistdatanuke - allows you to fully wipe your blacklist database