Simple LFG

Simple LFG


Getting tired of copy/pasting your LFG messages in General/LFG/Guild? So was I, thus Simple LFG was born.

Slash Commands: /slfg

Main Frame
Dungeon: Select the dungeon you want to use in your messages
LFG/LFM Tabs: Changes the frame below based on the active tab
Message Box (bottom): Automatically constructs a message based on the options in the LFG/LFM tabs. Players can manually edit or type their own message entirely.
Post Button: Sends whatever message is currently in the Message Box to the selected channels

Role: Choose what role you are advertising yourself for (Tank, Healer, DPS)
Add Character Info: If checked, will automatically add your character's level and class to the message

Need: Choose how many members you are looking for
Tank/Healer/DPS: Check to specify roles you are looking for

Channel Options
General: Current zone's General channel
LFG: global LookingForGroup channel
GuildGuild channel
Empty Box: Use this to put in your own custom channel (name or number) to send your message to. When ENTER is pressed, it will automatically validate the channel that is typed in. If the text changes to red, then SLFG did not find a valid channel for the info given. The user can still try to click the Post button, but will return an error in the main chat frame.

LDB Module
Left Click: Opens Config
Right Click: Post Message
Current Message: The current message that will be broadcasted

Found a bug?  Have a suggestion?  Post them to

Credit Where It's Due
Fizzlemizz, erispope - Helping me figure out dropdown menu issues