Simple LFG Panel (Classic)

Simple LFG Panel (Classic)


A super simple LFG Panel that I wrote because I often can't be bothered to read through the chat.

-It filters new messages that meet the defined criteria into their respective dungeon lists or "Other" if it doesn't match any predefined dungeon.  (Only the top end dungeons have their own filters since they're typically the only ones I care about. These cover a range of common abbreviations i.e. DM North, DM:N, Tribute etc. ) 

-Messages older than 10 minutes are automatically deleted.

-Messages from the same author are kept up to date (no duplicates)

By default it's setup to filter a list of basic patterns that imply the author is LFM but you could technically flip this in whatever direction you want by adding or removing patterns in the settings panel. e.g WTS Boost, LF Boost, LFG, etc..  - Changes to the filter aren't retroactive right now though it might be in a future update.

Patterns must be in upper case and separated by a coma. lua character classes are supported. 

/lfgf  to open the main panel

/lfgf settings - customise the patterns you're looking for. (saved between sessions)

Left click an entry to prep a /tell to the author

Right click an entry to delete it from the list