Simple Achievements

Simple Achievements


The default Achievement UI offers lists, tooltips, objectives tracker and so much Achievement information and options..

What's this Addons intention?

A simplified, lightweight alternative that just has a "limited" list of Achievements for each Continent/Expansion, showing "In-Progress" & "Achieved" - filtered by Faction (Alliance/Horde/Both).

This addon is a port from

What's Different?

Considering Retail has tens of thousands of quests, Achievements are a simplified way to generate/filter "things to do" in the game

It's Character Specific thus easier to view what the Character has done.

Modifiable Achievement List (There is an initial list there, but it's easy and simple enough if you want to add your own)

A Server Query dump of all achievements is here

New Features!

Open the Log Window via Slash Command = /satoggle

Left-Click the Achievement in the list to trigger "OpenAchievementFrameToAchievement"

Right Click on the Achievement to trigger Add/Remove Tracked Achievement

What's incomplete?

  • The Database - Currently contains ALL Expansion Achievements for (Quest/Exploration/Dungeon/Raid)
  • Translations - Dropdownlist & Achievement Names are Localized!

Known Issues:

  • Individual Exploration Objectives do not trigger an event thus the Panel won't update with "In Progress" unless you relog or reload