This is a simple addon that shows your class resources in a combo point manner with a runic Diablo-like theme. It's movable, scalable and have several color choices.
Type /scp to open the options window!
- Movable & scalable (New in 2.x)
- Points not available or currently regenerated are semi-transparent
- Everything is even more semi-transparent when not engaged in combat
- Only visible when you have an attackable target selected (optional)
Supported class resources:
- Combo Points (Druids, Rogues, Vehicles)
- Arcane Charges (Arcane Mages)
- Holy Power (Retribution Paladins)
- Soul Shards (Warlocks)
- Soul Fragments (Demon Hunters)
- Chi (Windwalker Monk)
- Stagger (Brewmaster Monk)
- Runes (Death Knights)
Chat commands:
/scp - Toggle the overlay for dragging and scaling! Drag with the mouse, change scale with the mousewheel.
/scp classcolor on - Enables class coloring of the resource points.
/scp classcolor off - Disables class coloring and reverts to power colors. (default)
/scp show always - Always show the frame. (default)
/scp show smart - Hides when you have no target set, or if your target is unattackable.
/scp help - Shows the above choices in-game.
Planned, but unreleased features:
- Multiple texture choices
- Custom resource colors
- Remember different setups based on enabled UI addons (like DiabolicUI, AzeriteUI etc)