


Monk showing both addon and classic resources

denisciumbargi opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi Lars,

I hope you are well and kicking! :D

Having a bit of a random one with my monk, it is the only class that displays both the simpleclasspower format and the classic type resources on the side of my character.

I know there used to be an option in Azerite UI to turn off the classic resources but I will be damned if I can find it! (I might have played too much and my brain is all mushy now)


I think I was reading a while ago that once once i have SimpleClassPower enabled the Azerite UI will auto disable the classic resource? Please prove to me that I am a fool and tell me how to sort it? :D


It's completely random that my reply was fast. I just happened to be at the computer now. But I'll take the compliment and pretend I'm always like this. Sure! :D


Yeah that was the idea. AzeriteUI isn't supposed to show its own class resources while SimpleClassPower is active. Must be a glitch in there somewhere, I'll get it fixed!


Always so efficient! Thank you so much for the fast reply and sorry for the extra work :P