


Greatly slowes chat window by stopping annoying repeating messages. It doesn't ban or complain anybody, it's just makes his work to clean chat log from extreme annoying messages. There are no recommended way to determine speaker level so I forced to use your friend list. Don't be afraid of flash changing in your friend list, all changes are reverted. This antispam differs from any other in a simple matter: he does not try to be clever and ban everyone or complain on any possible spammer.It just silently makes you chat log cleaner.

  1. prohibits to repeat the same message for a few minutes (configurable)
  2. blocks messages from low-levels chat from appearing in a global chat channels (except raid, group, guild, BG)
  3. removes any raid target icons from global channels (except raid, group, guild, BG)
  4. however bypass any messages from your friend list
  5. very, very low-weight

/sa for option interface.
Also you can take a look at AutoTurnIn addon.