Simply Auto Invite

Simply Auto Invite


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Simply Auto Invite

squirrel with speech bubble of addon summary

The summary text, but for screen readers ⇙

Automatically invite your friends to your party through guild chat. This add-on is perfect for guilds that run raids of organise RP events, saving you time and hassle. To learn how to use this add-on, please keep reading, or type **/sai** in-game for a quick guide.  

banner with the title: Usage Instructions

Create invite keyword

/sai add [keyword]

For example, '/sai add 123' would add 123 as a keyword. Whenever someone in your guild types '123' in the guild chat, your client will automatically send them a group invite.

Remove invite keyword

/sai remove [keyword]

For example, '/sai remove 123' would remove 123 from your list of active keywords. Now if someone types '123' in guild chat, you will no longer automatically send them a group invitation.

The addon also removes any [Name] prefix using square brackets that may be in your message from addons like Identity-2 when looking for keywords.
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