



SkadaCCTracker is a plugin for Skada which allows you to track Crowd Control spells cast by and on your group.

Important : This addon will _NOT_ work without Skada Damage Meter


There are several drill down modes available

  • Skada
    • CC done
      • CC done spells
        • CC done spell targets
      • CC done targets
        • CC done target spells
    • CC taken
      • CC taken spells
        • CC taken spell sources
      • CC taken sources
        • CC taken source spells


Please visit this page to help with the localization of SkadaCCTracker!

List of CCs Tracked

The current list of CC spells tracked by SkadaCCTracker is maintained here - if you would like me to add specific spells, please submit a ticket.

Known Issues

  1. SkadaCCTracker doesn't correctly recognize CC events which are cast out of combat, and don't make you enter combat (i.e. Sap). This may be a limitation of Skada, or just my understanding on how Skada works. Working to fix this on top priority
  2. SkadaCCTracker doesn't use Skada's "Merge Pets" option correctly
  3. Pet merging in general requires some work


  • Zarnivoop for the excellent Skada Damage Meter
  • 0wn3d for RecountCC, which inspired me to create SkadaCCTracker after switching over to Skada. The list of CC spells has also been shamelessly stolen from RecountCC =)


  • 1.0.0 : Initial Release. Yay!