Skilless Accomplishment

Skilless Accomplishment


Sometimes you need a reminder that this is all a game. Maybe you're an Asmongold fan, or maybe you just need a surprised laugh every now and then during the levelling process. If so, this addon is for you.

Plays an Asmongold soundbite upon level up. You get to choose how frequently he congratulates you.

Chat Commands
Settings are saved globally across all characters on your account (in other words, changing a setting on one character will change it for all of them).
• /sa - Help / Display description of arguments.
• /sa freq [number] - How frequently you want the soundbite to play (default: 10).
• /sa notify - Toggle the login message on/off.
• /sa channel [audio-channel] - Audio channel used for playing the soundbite (default: Dialog).
    • /sa channel - Display list of accepted values (Master, Sound, Music, Ambience, or Dialog).