


error at auction house/banks

Fagerinfoco opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Skillet Version 4.26
Locale: enUS

my wife and I are getting errors when we mouse over things in the AH or the bank. it does not happen all the time. the error is below:

Message: Usage: GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(link)
Time: Sun Apr 18 09:44:34 2021
Count: 1
Stack: Usage: GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(link)
[string "@interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua"]:168: in function `ShoppingListButton_OnEnter'
[string ":OnEnter"]:1: in function <[string ":OnEnter"]:1>

Locals: self =

DeleteIgnoreEntry = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\IgnoreList.lua:159
RecipeGroupPruneList = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:506
SkillButton_NewGroup = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2220
guildText = 0
ClearQueue = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\SkilletQueue.lua:223
RecipeGroupInitFlatten = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:362
RecipeGroupConstructDBString = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:482
SkilletShow = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:962
DisplayShoppingList = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua:1127
ShowQueueView = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3447
ReagentStarsFrame_OnMouseEnter = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3598
SKILL_LINES_CHANGED = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:798
SetSelectedTrade = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:1332
FilterDropDown_OnShow = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\Filtering.lua:25
GARRISON_TRADESKILL_NPC_CLOSED = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:919
hideTrivialRecipes = false
SetTradeSkillLearned = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\SkilletData.lua:289
guildbankQueryComplete = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\ShoppingList.lua:459
RecipeGroupSort = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:340
EnableResize = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\Utils.lua:72
db =
bankBusy = false
UpdateNotesWindow = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\RecipeNotes.lua:116
SetEnabledState = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:424
SkilletShowWindow = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:1026
CHAT = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\DebugAids.lua:65
HideOptionalList = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\OptionalList.lua:226
IgnoreList_OnScroll = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\IgnoreList.lua:262
SortDropdown_OnLoad = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\Sorting.lua:488
pluginsOptions =
UnregisterAllEvents = defined @interface\AddOns\LibSharedMedia-3.0\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174
RecipeGroupFlatten = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:378
RecipeGroupMoveEntry = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\RecipeGroups.lua:237
FavoriteButton_OnClick = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2299
SkilletShowGuildCrafters = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3167
ITEM_DATA_LOAD_RESULT = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:923
ShowReagentDetails = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:3149
bopCheck = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:1607
CHAT_MSG_SKILL = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:790
SkillExpandButton_OnClick = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2397
TABLE = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\DebugAids.lua:313
FixBugs = true
Unhook = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Libs\AceHook-3.0\AceHook-3.0.lua:418
InventoryFilterButton_OnShow = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:2738
SetTradeSkillToolTip = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\UI\MainFrame.lua:1515
SetTradeSkill = defined @interface\AddOns\Skillet\Skillet.lua:


I cannot reproduce this error with the limited context supplied. Do you and your wife play on one machine or two? Is the shopping list open? What does the shopping list contain? Is the Skillet window open at the time?

The function `ShoppingListButton_OnEnter' should only be called when the shopping list is open, not empty, and you mouseover an item in the list. How it is being called when you mouseover items in the AH or the bank doesn't make sense to me.


we play on separate machines. the shopping list opens when we click on the AH or when we open our banks. The shopping list contains the items needed in the various crafting queues. The skillet windows itself is not open, just the shopping lists. I do need to clarify something i noticed, the error ocurs when mousing over the shopping list, however, because it opens in basically the middle of the screen, it happens almost immediately when opening the bank or AH (as the shopping list opens with it)


That makes a lot more sense. My guess is that it only happens on the first visit after logging in. Blizzard changed the way GetItemInfo works. Before when the WoW client didn't have the information on an item, it would wait for the server to deliver it. Now it returns immediately without supplying the requested information. Skillet-4.27-alpha should prevent the error that occurs because of this. Let me know if it works.

You can move (and resize) the shopping list (and all of the Skillet windows). I have moved mine so that it doesn't overlap with the Skillet window.


pulled the code and it appears to be working. thank you so much for the quick fix.