- 1
Count Sold Items won't show up
#90 opened by Raithen88 - 2
Links wrong recipe for enchanting in Classic Era.
#92 opened by lindenkron - 3
Error when queueing items with overlapping prerequisites
#91 opened by Erstyx - 5
I can't create anyting while trying to lvl blacksmithing in Dragonflight
#93 opened by ishirra - 6
Can't craft more than one at a time
#54 opened by LasombraK - 3
The "Prospecting ore" button is not working.
#55 opened by b-morgan - 2
"Click to toggle favorite" is not working
#56 opened by LasombraK - 4
Vendor auto purchase not working at ink trader
#57 opened by grimmtooth - 2
Skill leveling bar
#52 opened by DreamsUnderStars - 2
Version: 5.00-alpha4: unable to process enchant
#53 opened by Wyveryx - 4
Vendor/Skillet causes errors
#61 opened by DreamsUnderStars - 2
Skillet Not opening
#58 opened by Mithmacil - 2
ShoppingList fails when opening bank
#59 opened by GeoRam2016 - 8
Profession tools
#60 opened by Addonman - 1
The "Buy me a coffee/Beer" button is missing from this project page!
#65 opened by chadcarlton - 6
Changing professions possible solution
#62 opened by Tarkumi - 2
can't show unlearned skills
#63 opened by LasombraK - 26
Dragonflight Milling does not appear to be implemented
#64 opened by grimmtooth - 5
Leftover Skill Buttons
#66 opened by DreamsUnderStars - 7
Doesn't recognize higher quality reagents
#67 opened by Cheilynn - 1
Not even open/shown?
#68 opened by Tryko1 - 2
BugSack showing errors and Skillet is not opening
#69 opened by rruggles - 1
Massive LUA Errors
#70 opened by Arcaila - 1
higher tier materials not recognized?
#71 opened by zandadoum - 3
Quality mats not added to shopping list
#77 opened by bobolosier - 15
skillet does not open
#72 opened by drakmakm - 7
Error trying to enchant multiple items
#73 opened by Fagerinfoco - 30
New Feature (Auctionator plugin enhancement)
#74 opened by Dr0xX3rZ - 5
First craft not displayed
#75 opened by Dr0xX3rZ - 12
Alchemy Transmute
#76 opened by Dr0xX3rZ - 8
Bulk queuing item becomes individual crafts
#78 opened by Shaderx - 6
Fail to create certain jewelcrafting items
#79 opened by Shaderx - 4
Skillet Doesn't open when there is no old world training via macro.
#81 opened by Shaderx - 2
Invisible WoW Module
#82 opened by Callamity - 4
How to reset frame sizes
#83 opened by FlattyOne - 5
Error retrieving mats from Guild Bank
#84 opened by Fagerinfoco - 2
Problem with "Tailoring Essentials"
#85 opened by Pantasaron - 4
WoWUI showing up invisible with Skillet installed
#86 opened by gwenskey - 2
LUA Error
#88 opened by bskoros - 6
Skillet.lua:140: attempt to index global 'ProfessionsFrame' (a nil value)
#89 opened by Thrumbar - 2
finishing reagent for craft queue
#94 opened by aaron-j-reeves - 2
Does not seem to be able to see reagents in the Warband Bank.
#95 opened by jeremy-post - 2
Skillet 5.32 - "Skillet has been blocked from an action only available to the Blizzard UI" when trying to smelt
#97 opened by synthosomatic - 2
Mats not fitting the Shopping list Window after expanding it past the Mats
#98 opened by alexdk - 5
Question about addon handling categories without recipes
#99 opened by Wraithlord2015 - 6
[Feature Request] Custom Craft Info Tooltip [ API, plugin ] , Skillet [ API ] , [Plugins] CraftSim , Journalator , Text and Math Formating
#100 opened by BodySame - 9
Not Working Queue Crafting - Only One Craft
#101 opened by BodySame - 3
[Feature Request] Crafting for Disenchant, Prospeting , Mailing (Profit , Cost , Stats)
#102 opened by BodySame - 1
Lua error when Auctionator Skillet plugin is enabled but the Auctionator addon is not enabled.
#103 opened by b-morgan - 2
Feature Request: Option to Set Default UI as Primary in Skillet
#104 opened by 168229