


Can't craft more than one at a time

LasombraK opened this issue ยท 6 comments


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I tried jewel and enchant, it couldn't process items one by one by itself, such as I want to make 10 gems, like [Quick Jewel Cluster].
It only could make one of them, and then it stopped. If I put the process button, there will show "Skillet: Cancle incomplete processing" in the chat frame, and put the button again, nothing happened.
One more thing, the "Prospecting ore" button is not working.

Poor English, forgive me!


I have moved "One more thing..." to its own issue, #55.


Confirmed, I tried with both mass milling (25x) and mass creation of ink (x21) and it would create the first one and then stop. This is inscription if that wasn't obvious.


Neither Skillet nor TradeSkillMaster (in TSM4 mode) will craft more than one item at a time. I believe this is either a Blizzard bug or a new Blizzard feature designed to torpedo crafting addons.


Since the default UI does not see issues with this my uneducated guess at this point is that they changed the API in some mysterious, possibly undocumented way. Business as usual with WoW Lua APIs. I don't even know who to ask TBH.

The LUA API peeps should take a lesson from the REST API peeps.


Skillet-5.00-alpha11 has a hack that appears to solve this issue. Let me know if it works for you.


Looks to be working okay for Inscription. Tested with mass milling and ink making. Hack or not, it looks good here.

Had an instance of it stalling out, but clicking on Process to stop then again to restart worked. No idea of why it stalls out like that some time, but it's consistent with v4 as well. Weird stuff apparently happens when you process 5,000 items in a batch.