


Command /skillet standby not working

Galthariel opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Using version Skillet-4.36

You teach me a few months ago about the /skillet standby and if I'm not mistaken the reason was because when I go to the Guild Roster to check if someone in my guild has a particular recipe and check the mats for it Skillet wasn't opening. Can't remember if this was actually a Blizzard issue or not but anyways I just tried the command /skillet standby to disable Skillet, got the message in chat that Skillet is now disable but when I click the profession icon it only opens my bags. Reloading fixes the issue but it uses to work without reloading.

Let me know how can I help debug this :-)


(Last comment lost, trying again)
On my system, the toggle command, /skillet standby, determines which frame, Skillet or Blizzard, displays when a profession button is pressed. No other frames (i.e. bags) should be displayed. If they are, then that is another addon. Could this other addon be causing this issue?

If you determine that this is being caused by another addon, then I'll need to know which one so I can try and reproduce the issue on my system. If I can't then I'll need you to upload your debug log.


Did a few tests....

Thought was Bagnon since I always set Bagnon to auto open Bags when Crafting, Trading, etc. however I've uncheck Bagnon to open Bags when Crafting and issue persisted...disabled Auctionator...did not work...disabled RecipeLinkFix which I use to link specific recipes to someone (Skillet works fine to share the whole profession but sometimes glitches for a single recipe) and it also did not work...disabled Bagnon...did not work...disabled Skinner and also did not work...disabled TSM and did not work either. Those are the only ones I think interferes with Profession Frames. I use 500+ addons and I'm not planning to disabling all one by one...LOL.

Disabling Skillet also didn't work meaning that my profession frame is screwed somehow so isn't a Skillet issue :-(

I've finally test disabling MoveAnything and guess what? It was the damn culprit. Problem is that it's an addon I really enjoy and need. Will try to find how can I fix that :-(

Please feel free to close this issue and sorry for the trouble :-(


Glad you found the culprit. I used to use MoveAnything but it isn't in my current addons folder.

I use 500+ addons and I'm not planning to disabling all one by one...

Wow! I thought I was an addon junkie but you have me beat! I have an addon, AddonProfiles that saves and restores the current state all addons. I use that plus binary searching when I need to find an addon conflict. With 512 addons it should only take 9 attempts to find a conflict, 10 for 1024 addons. Much faster than one by one.

(Skillet works fine to share the whole profession but sometimes glitches for a single recipe)

Is this something we need to pursue?

Please feel free to close this issue and sorry for the trouble

No need to be sorry. I'm happy to work with you anytime.


(Skillet works fine to share the whole profession but sometimes glitches for a single recipe)

Is this something we need to pursue?

Honestly I don't know if worth the trouble to pursue. If you go to the RecipeLinkFix and read about it it seems to be a Blizzard issue and not Skillet. Maybe a feature for the future (I'm not a programmer so I don't know how hard it will be) could be to add a right click option or a link option for each recipe. The right click could be something like share this recipe with: General Chat, Guild, Friend, Party, etc. But like I said I don't think it worth the trouble. Skillet is already good enough as it stands right now :-)

I have right now 527 enabled since I had to disabled MoveAnything. As for the AddonProfiles I have not tested yet but while still in my list to test I use BetterAddonList which I think has better features than AddonProfiles such as LOCK some addons you to to prevent to be disabled...and also allows you to save profiles by character. You can even use saved profiles in different realms.

Have you tried BlizzMove? Or do you have any suggestion to replace MoveAnything?


I use BetterAddonList

I looked at this one and it hasn't been updated since Nov 2020 and the author appears to be MIA. It does, however, look like a better option if it works.

I've not tried BlizzMove (can't even find it) but MoveAnything was updated 3 months ago and the author has a good reputation. I'd see if you can distill the issue you are having and open an issue against MoveAnything.


I use BetterAddonList

I looked at this one and it hasn't been updated since Nov 2020 and the author appears to be MIA. It does, however, look like a better option if it works.

While is true that it doesn't get any update BetterAddonList works perfect as for right now.

I've not tried BlizzMove (can't even find it) but MoveAnything was updated 3 months ago and the author has a good reputation. I'd see if you can distill the issue you are having and open an issue against MoveAnything.

Yep, it did get updated but has a lot of issues still. Just check his open issues.

Here is BlizzMove link