


Feature request: Show if item is sold by vendor cheaply or not and show in map possibly?

strickland opened this issue ยท 1 comments


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Possibly integration with either tomtom or handynotes as to also identify the items that are sold cheap via vendors. Then easy way to alt-click and show them in map and where they are sold?

The problem: When crafting something which has 5-6 materials, there is 3 or 4 that are bought from AH is a must. But then you have 1-2 materials that are bought from vendors CHEAP, but in this case I must check WOWHEAD to see exactly which one is vendor item and which is AH item. But this process is long to check wowhead on everyitem. If skillet helps telling me that "HEY LOOK this item can be purchase from vendor for 30 copper" Then I can buy it.

Sometimes what happens is, item sold for 30 copper in vendor but some people are in a rush and dont want to check wowhead then they buy it from AH for 30 gold. :) It happens alot.


Skillet marks items (you don't have) that it identifies as sold by a vendor in the detail side of the frame by coloring the count green. Skillet also provides plugins that interface with AH addons like Auctioneer or Auctionator that show additional information about reagents and their costs.

Skillet identifies an item as sold by a vendor by first checking an internal table, MissingVendorItems and then the Ace3 library, LibPeriodicTable. LibPeriodicTable used to be well maintained but has not been updated regularly. I am not interested in taking up the maintenance of this table. If there is another addon source of this information that has a published API, I would consider adding a check of that addon. Adding integration with TomTom or HandyNotes is outside the scope of Skillet.

The MissingVendorItems table is populated by visiting merchants and checking their inventory. If that mechant sells an item used by a recipe you know, then an entry is added to the table. I am not interested in manually collecting or maintaining entries in this table.

Another user of Skillet decided that the LibPeriodicTable supplied skill levels was woefully out of date and created code to scrape Wowhead for the information and produce a table that Skillet could use. If you are interested in providing and maintaining a similar effort for vendor sold items, I would make changes to Skillet (i.e. separate out the MissingVendorItems table into a separate module).