


Cooking Bug skillet v4.39

Raismoter opened this issue · 11 comments


<Please include the Skillet version number (from the title or the .toc file)>
<Please include the output of "/dump GetLocale()" if it is different than enUS>
Dump:/dump GetLocale()"
skillet v 4.39
hello there is something wrong on draenor skill count
i have an italian client
can help
Add foto to check the bug


Sorry it took so long to respond, I didn't get notified of this new issue.

This is going to be a challenge to troubleshoot. In the enUS client, it doesn't happen. I do, however, see a bit of strangeness when I expand that category on my system. Can you provide a screenshot after expanding just that one category, please?

You will probably have to enable Skillet debugging and send the output to me. I'll provide details after I see the screenshot.


that s something news in this update usually when collapse category this category never showed


if need more pls tell me

thanks for help


Skillet thinks the top category has 5 subcategories but the Blizzard UI shows 4. The progress bar you are seeing is on the "phantom" fifth subcategory. I believe the Blizzard API is reporting the wrong data for this category.

Please upload your global saved variables file Skillet.lua. I need to compare the data you get with the data I see in the enUS client.


hello can t upload here so i create a link from dropbox
there are 2 folder global and player


You can't upload .lua files but you can upload .zip files. I forgot to mention this along with renaming the character specific file to Raismoter.lua or something similar and then you can put both files in the zip.


This isn't the best fix but I think it should work. Extract MainFrame.lua from the attached .zip and replace the one in ...\Addons\Skillet\UI

Let me know if it fixes anything.


yes finally it s work not perfect but work good thanks for your help friends and for your time

if there are something i can do for you pls tell me i ll do everything i can ^^

however that s the result of your work
in the second image there are still an unless category


The problem is that Blizzard's cooking category database is messed up. If you look in your global saved variables file you will find the corresponding data for the itIT locale. I've included just a subset of the data below to illustrate the problem.

The category 475 is correct (type="header", hasProgressBar=true). The category 1013 is incorrect (hasProgressBar=false). Category 342 is the extra one with nothing in it (type="subheader", hasProgressBar=true) but categories 343-346 have it as their parent. instead of a parent of 1013.

Skillet is displaying exactly what the data is telling it. I'm not sure how the Blizzard UI "fixes" this error but it does. My fix for Skillet is to change the name of the 1013 category at the time things are being displayed so the progress bar moves up. I've tried to correct the database before Skillet builds its own data structures but so far I haven't been successful.

I'm guessing this error exists in all the other locales but without a copy of Skillet's global saved variables file for each locale, I can't fix them because the names are localized.

The "right" answer is to report it as a bug to Blizzard and hope that they fix it, but I'm not holding my breath for that to happen.

[475] = {
	["parentCategoryID"] = 1014,
	["type"] = "header",
	["hasProgressBar"] = true,
	["skillLineCurrentLevel"] = 100,
	["numIndents"] = 0,
	["categoryID"] = 475,
	["enabled"] = true,
	["skillLineMaxLevel"] = 100,
	["uiOrder"] = 940,
	["name"] = "Food of the Broken Isles",
	["skillLineStartingRank"] = 1,
[1013] = {
	["numIndents"] = 0,
	["type"] = "header",
	["categoryID"] = 1013,
	["hasProgressBar"] = false,
	["uiOrder"] = 950,
	["name"] = "Food of Draenor - Header",
	["enabled"] = true,
[342] = {
	["parentCategoryID"] = 1013,
	["type"] = "subheader",
	["hasProgressBar"] = true,
	["skillLineCurrentLevel"] = 100,
	["numIndents"] = 0,
	["categoryID"] = 342,
	["enabled"] = true,
	["skillLineMaxLevel"] = 100,
	["uiOrder"] = 950,
	["name"] = "Food of Draenor",
	["skillLineStartingRank"] = 1,
[343] = {
	["numIndents"] = 1,
	["type"] = "subheader",
	["name"] = "Meat Dishes",
	["categoryID"] = 343,
	["hasProgressBar"] = false,
	["uiOrder"] = 20,
	["parentCategoryID"] = 342,
	["enabled"] = true,
[344] = {
	["numIndents"] = 1,
	["type"] = "subheader",
	["name"] = "Fish Dishes",
	["categoryID"] = 344,
	["hasProgressBar"] = false,
	["uiOrder"] = 30,
	["parentCategoryID"] = 342,
	["enabled"] = true,
[345] = {
	["numIndents"] = 1,
	["type"] = "subheader",
	["name"] = "Feasts",
	["categoryID"] = 345,
	["hasProgressBar"] = false,
	["uiOrder"] = 0,
	["parentCategoryID"] = 342,
	["enabled"] = true,
[346] = {
	["numIndents"] = 1,
	["type"] = "subheader",
	["name"] = "Delicacies",
	["categoryID"] = 346,
	["hasProgressBar"] = false,
	["uiOrder"] = 10,
	["parentCategoryID"] = 342,
	["enabled"] = true,

I will include this "fix" in the next release of Skillet.