Do you have plenty of macros where you make your abilities, items, and spells say or do different things when used? Have you ever encountered a macro that didn't go off as planned and ended up spamming chat with your roleplaying?
So have I. SkillRP is the solution to that problem! Using SkillRP is fairly simple. You can choose to open the primary lua file (SkillRP.lua) in the SkillRP folder to add in the Roleplaying spellIDs for your abilities or items in question. By default, I have chosen to include Blood Lust, Death Grip, and the Engineering spells with default overrides so that they perform different actions of roleplay when used.
You can choose to enable or disable class skills by checking or unchecking the addon module in your addons list.
Currently, there is only a Warrior RP module in addition to the primary module.