Multibox Follower Helper


Multi-Boxing Assistance Mod

Important notice regarding Blizzard's "Multi-Boxing Ban":

This addon will not help you cheat or break Blizzard's rules with input-broadcasting.  It merely adds audio cues to a few events and auto-quest shortcuts for leveling.

Note: This addon was previously named "Slave Girl," which was a tongue-in-cheek joke back from when the add-on was created in 2006.  It has been renamed to "Multibox Follower Helper" so I don't get cancelled over an old joke from 20 years ago.

Multibox Follower Helper (MFH) is designed to assist two-boxing or multi-boxing. Several features of the mod are designed to go dormant when the master or followers are not present in the group, eliminating the need to disable the mod when you're not multi-boxing.


  • Auto-share quests with followers
  • Auto-accept and auto-complete quests
  • Auto-leave groups when the master leaves
  • Auto-accept role requests and hide LFG confirmations
  • Monitor error messages from followers
  • Audio cues for when your followers start or stop following
  • Audio cues for when your followers are low on health or mana

Slash Commands

/sg - Help Menu
/sg options - Set configuration options
/sg master - Set target as your master
/sg follow - Macro this command to have the character follow the target, using this command helps with better audio cues


Install this mod on your master control account as well as your follower accounts. Options are configured by character, not by account.

It is highly recommended to use this mod with Smart Quest and Smart Error for better multi-boxing support.