Semi's Smart Pack

Semi's Smart Pack



SmartPack gives you an alternative view of your backpacks, categorised by Blizzard's built-in scheme (i.e the list of filters you see on the left hand side of the Auction House).  Each category displays as a separate "virtual" backpack, stacked as you would expect from the built-in backpacks.  By default, this will not replace your current backpack:  a key binding is provided which you can bind as required.  This makes it possible to use SmartPack as a secondary backpack viewer, or as a replacement for the main backpack by re-binding "Open All Bags".


I've tried to keep this add-on as lightweight but functional as possible:
* Categorised "view" of backpacks: no need to replace or re-organise your existing backpacks.
* Each category can be further broken down by sub-category via a simple plus/minus button.  Your preference is remembered per character.  This is also animated to help you see where the surrounding categories have moved.
* Small summary window showing number of available slots and the amount of gold you have.
* All windows act as a drop-zone for trading etc. and will drop into the first empty backpack slot.
* All item buttons support the usual commands (drag/drop, sell, split stack etc.)
* Coloured-coded "glow" is added to items of green quality or better to help you spot valuable items.
* Custom key-binding so that the SmartPack does not interfere with your normal backpack (unless you want it to).
* Opening the SmartPack closes normal bags.

This add-on supports customization of categories so you can better filter items like fishing pole/hat & chef's hat.

** !!! IMPORTANT !!! **
Once you install this add-on, nothing will happen!!  You need to open the Key Bindings page (from the game options menu), scroll down to the SmartPack section and assign it a shortcut key.  You can either re-bind the "Open All Bags" key if you want to replace the built-in backpacks or assign your own key if you just want to try it out for a bit.