FPS Movable Monitor, Sell Junk/Trash, Map Move/Size/Zoom, Mission Button & More - SneekeeMods

**Dragonflight update released. Please report any issues. 

Zone/BG Map Options, Movable FPS Monitor, Auto Sell Grey/Junk/Trash, Fullscreen Toggle, Unlock & Move World Map, Mission Reports Minimap Button, Action Cam Settings, Clean Buttons, Hide UI on Taxi, Hide Chat Window Scrollbar and more.

If you're looking to have a the small zone map up all the time, want an FPS monitor that you can move out of the way, or just don't want grey junk cluttering up your bags, maybe SneekeeMods is for you. I've added several new settings over time, and you can turn all of them on or off as you see fit. See the full list of options below:

BattleField Map (zone map) Options:

  • Resize
  • Always Visible*
  • Visible in BGs Only*
  • Hide Edges
  • Hide Close Button
  • Ctrl-Click to Toggle Autoshow*

FPS Monitor Options:

  • Always on Screen*
  • Replace with Movable Monitor
  • Multiple Color Support: White, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Grey

Hide UI While on Taxi

  • Option to Automatically Hide UI While on FlightPath (Movie Mode)

Junk/Grey/Trash Seller

  • Sneekee Will Automatically Sell Your Grey Items

Fullscreen Toggle

  • Right Click Minimap Button to Toggle Fullscreen

World Map

  • Drag with Mouse (lock/unlock)
  • Change Position
  • Resize
  • Per-Character Settings

Action Bar Button Options:

  • Hide Macro Names*
  • Hide Key Binds*

ActionCam Options:

  • Settings: On/Full (uncheck to turn off)
  • Settings: Use Basic When Cam is On
  • Settings: Ignore SneekeeMods Settings
  • Shift-Left-Click Minimap Button to Turn ActionCam Off (optional)
  • Shift-Right-Click Minimap Button to Turn ActionCam Off (optional)

Quest Tracker (Objectives)

  • Auto Collapse*
  • Unlocked: Shift-Click & Drag to Move Removed, now in default UI

If you are running Kaliel's Tracker, uncheck "Make Quest Tracker Movable" .

Minimap Mission Button

  • Class Hall Report (right click)*
  • Garrison Report (shift-click)*
  • Stop Flash Animation

Hide Action Bar Gryphons & Artwork

  • Hide Action Bar Gryphons Removed, now in default UI
  • Hide Action Bar Artwork Removed, now in default UI

Hide Chat Scrollbar

Option to Hide Scrollbar on Chat Window

Minimap Icon to open settings

*Requires /reload to apply settings

Slash Commands:

  • /snke -- Opens Configuration/Options Screen
  • /snke fs -- Toggle Fullscreen On/Off

Please post any Issues/Bugs/Requests on our CurseForge Issues Page: 
