


NEW FOR PHASE 3 Added support for automatically fixing dual wield weapon buffs (when out of combat). When in combat the button will update to show you the fix step but they need to be completed manually.THIS FEATURE REQURIES YOU TO HAVE A SKINNING KNIFE IN YOUR INVENTORY OR IT WILL NOT WORK

This addon is made specifically for Shaman on Season of Discovery. Includes the following features:

  • Frame
    • Moveable 
    • Will only be shown when the player loads on a Shaman
    • Future update will include resizeability and some additional configurability
  • Timer Bars to visualize the remaining time on your weapon buffs
    • Color-coded for each of the 4 elemental buffs 
    • Abbrevated name (Rockbiter - RB, Flametongue - FT, etc.). Sorry this is only in English for now
    • MM:SS timer with the remaining buff time 
    • Seperately supports 1H, 2H, and Dual Wielding preferences. The 2nd timer bar will only be shown if the player is dual wielding. 
      • Swap your buff preference by clicking the button to the left of the bar. This will cycle between the weapon buffs. If you swap from 2H to Dual Wield your preferences will switch from your 2H preferences to your Dual Wield preferences. Note - this is slightly annoying when trying to make corrections while dual wielding and swapping to 1H and I'm working on a fix for this. 
  • Buff button
    • This will always show you which buff to cast to rebuff your weapons efficiently
    • This button will flash to alert during any of these events:
      • The player's buffs don't match their preffered buffs 
      • Weapon buffs are missing
      • Less than 60 seconds remain on a weapon buff
    • If out of combat, this button is clickable and will dynamically adjust the cast. However due to restrictions of the API in combat this button's macro will lock itself when combat is entered. The icon will still flash and switch to the proper image in combat. 
    • (Versdion 1.2.0) While dual wielding this button will fix out of sync buffs if the player has a Skinning Knife in their inventory

Please reach out of Discord if you have any questions or suggestions.