SoftRes is made by Mikael "Snits" Fridh. (Snits-NoggenfoggerEU)
This is my first addon (well second, since I first made SoftRes then re-wrote it due to many bugs)
When I joined the guild OMEGA on NoggenfoggerEU, I had no prior experience in raiding. The first ZG run I joined, I noticed how messy everything was and all players had to keep track on their own stuff and the ML had to check lists and stuff. I decided to create an addon to help with that. A SoftRes run should go smoothly, wether it's PUG or guild.
Thanks to OMEGA for supporting me in the creation of SoftRes and testing it on our Guild-Runs. Extra shoutout to Vadfangördu, Velina and everyone who has whispered me while the addon was used.
SoftRes is an addon, that helps the ML keep track of what people have SoftReserved and will help with:
- SoftReservations of items and announcing elegible "rollers" on item-drops.
- Announcement of items and rolls.
- Keeps track of who has the highest roll.
- Will count roll-penalties (if configured)
- SoftRes loot rules are the rules that we use in OMEGA when doing our PUGs and Guild runs, with SoftReservations.
- Those are the most common rules used, afaik. Read below on those rules.
- It "only" supports the reservation of ONE item per player.
SoftRes takes away the need of having sheets with reservations.
No more checking who reserved what.
No more "Speak up if your reserved item drops".
The players can now focus on doing the killing and the ML can easily see who reserved what and won what.
SoftRes is a tool for HELPING the ML with keeping track of the SoftReserved items.
It will NOT automatically distribute items. It will only Announce Roll-winners and won items, roll-penalties and such.
The ML will still have to manually distribute items and can do whatever he wants, even if SoftRes shows one thing, the ML can do another.
SoftRes does not automatically switch between loot types. So if the ML wants the trash loot to be rolled for normally, that will have to be switched manually.
* Don't forget to put ML back again before bosses ... cough
* There is a "Check Box" up in the top-right corner which will show checked if ML is on, and unchecked if not.
* If you are the Raid Leader, you can press that check-box to switch between "Master Loot" and "Group Loot".
* There is a 0.5 second delay on the update so it can seem a bit laggy, but that's intentional.
With SoftRes, only the Master Looter needs to have the addon.
- Everything is done so that everyone can see.
- It announces winners and who has SoftReserved what item when it drops.
- No more Google sheets.
SoftRes assumes that you can link an item in chat.
But really? Who doesn't have an addon that shows drops in dungeons?
There will be some spamming in chat, yes.
But that would happen even without SoftRes AND the ML would have to do it manually.
SoftRes uses a library called "ChatThrottle" to make sure that the spams are kept in an acceptable pace.
* The user will NOT be thrown out of the game for spamming.
SoftRes uses another library called "AceTimers" for handling the timers.
As stated, only the ML needs the addon (which makes it perfect for pugs.) Step-by-step:
- Writing /softres show, will bring up the addon.
- The ML will create a new list.
- SoftRes will automatically fill the SoftReservations list with all the player in the raid (or party if 5-man).
- The ML will go through the configurations and make sure they are as he wants them, or what's agreed upon.
- You can configure loot-timers, loot-penalties..
- There is an extra box for custom information.
- I.e. "Ony-Head is reserved for guild."
- I.e. "Need on all coins and bijous."
- He will then announce the rules.
- SoftRes will post them in /raid.
- SoftRes will also, at this stage, start the scanner of SoftReservations.
- Everyone in the raid will link the item they want to reserve.
- Yes, it has to be an item-link.
- Yes, SoftRes assumes that you have an addon or something that can put item-links in chat.
- When everyone have made their SoftResreservations, the ML will close the scanner.
- Now you play as normal.
- When the ML loot a mob and there are items with the configured itemrarity or higher in the lootlist, he will have to go through some steps.
- First the ML press "Prepare Item".
- What this does is that it will take the first item in the lootlist and prepare it for rolls.
- Big note. This ONLY prepares the item for rolls, nothing else. Press "Next Item" to toggle between the items dropped, if the ML wants to roll one item before the others.
- Press the type of Roll that the ML want to announce. (Raid, MS, OS, FFA. -OR- SoftRes if there are reservers.)
- If there is a winner, you simply MasterLoot that item.
- If no one wants the item you can do three things:
- Simply loot it to yourself, and it will be removed from the SoftRes window.
- You can "Right Click" on the icon to "un-prepare" it.
- Or press the "Next Item" button to prepare the next item.
- Pressing the "Cancel all announcements" button, will announce a cancelation of the announcement and rolls for that item.
- This can be good if someone rolls on the wrong type, and wins. Or you simply just chose to give it to the other player.
- You will have to manually correct the winner though if you are running with penalties.
- Remove the item from Player A (since he won) and add it to Player B (since he is the new winner).
- This can be good if someone rolls on the wrong type, and wins. Or you simply just chose to give it to the other player.
- First the ML press "Prepare Item".
- The other choice there is to announce a roll is to:
- Drag an item from the inventory onto the SoftRes window.
- That has the same effect as preparing an item, but from your bag instead.
- This can be useful if you want to speed through the dungeon and roll after the raid.
- Or if you forget to switch between "Master Loot" and "Group Loot" and there are drops that should be rolled on.
YES! The user of SoftRes can manually Add/Edit/Remove players from the list.
YES! The user of SoftRes can manually Add/Edit/Remove won items.
YES! The user of SoftRes can manually ..... you can do it all.
In SoftRes you can configure some loot rules.
- Roll-timers, which are timers for how long the players have to roll on an item before it goes over to the next roll-type or announces that no-one wanted it.
- Roll-penalties, where you can input how much roll-penalty the winners will have per won item.
- MS- and OS-Penalties are separated, which means that if a player rolls on an MS-Roll (with penalty enabled*), that player will get that amount of penalty on future MS-Rolls... But not on OS-rolls. And vice versa.
The ML can either prepare an item while looting, or the ML can drag an item from the inventory to announce a roll for. When an item is prepared, there are a few choices to make with the announcement. When the ML announces an item for distribution, everyone who are elegible for rolling will have to manually /roll. It takes those rolls and shows them on a list. If someone who rolls already has a roll-penalty, SoftRes will announce in chat what the new roll-value is.
If the item is NOT SoftReserved the choices are then: MS-roll, OS-roll, FFA-roll and Raid-Roll.
- MS-Roll = SoftRes will announce a Main Spec roll.
- If no one rolled for MS SoftRes will automaticaly announce an OS-Roll (with the same penalty rules as the MS-roll)
- OS-Roll = SoftRes will announce an Off Spec roll.
- If no one rolled for that OS roll, then the ML does whatever is agreed on, with the item.
- FFA-Roll = SoftRes will announce a Free for all roll.
- This roll gives no penalty, even if the Penalty checkbox is enabled.
- An FFA-roll is meant to give every player the opportunity to roll on an item.
- Raid-Roll = SoftRes will announce a Raid-Roll.
- SoftRes will make the ML roll between (1- amount of members in raid). The one on the roll-position will be announced as the winner.
- It counts from Group1 position 1 = 1, Group2 position 1 = 6. and so on.
If the item is SoftReserved, the only choice you can make is to SoftRes-roll the item.
- SoftRes will announce who are elegible for rolls and will announce (once every ##-seconds*) who has not rolled for the item.
- When everyone has rolled, it announces the winner.
- SoftReserved item wins, does NOT give a penalty on rolls.
- If the ML decides that the roll has been waiting for a player, for too long (ie, that player is offline or whatever) the ML can force-announce the winner. (By pressing the "Announce" button.)
- The winner will then be the one with the highest roll.
- When a player wins a SoftReserved item, that player is not elegible to roll on the same item again, if it drops, if there are more players who has SoftReserved that item.
- If there are no other players SoftReserving that item and it drops again, THAT player can roll on it just as everyone else can.
- An example for this are Idols in ZG. Two drops per raid. If only one player SoftReserve an idol, that player can roll on both, but ONE is guaranteed.
##-seconds = Configurable.
Let's face it. We know that sometimes things goes really fast and it's easy to miss what people do. People are people and there are always some who will try and cheat.
- Let's say that someone tries to /roll 100-100.
- SoftRes will catch that and write in chat, that this type of roll is not supported and give them a chance to re-roll.
Some MLs prefers to have a loot-system that deals with a player winning an item, has lower prio than players who has not won an item.
- You config the MS- and OS-penalties to 100 each.
- When an item drops and are rolled for (with penalty enabled*) the winner gets -100 on that roll-type.
* Player A, has 0 items won. (Bracket 0) (1 to 100)
* Player B, has won 1 item on an MS-roll. (Bracket 1) (0 to -99)
* Player C, has won 1 item on an MS-roll. (Bracket 1) (0 to -99)
* Player D, has won 2 items on MS-rolls. (Bracket 2) (-100 to -199)
* Player A, rolls a 1.
* Player B, rolls a 50
* Player C, rolls a 60
* Player D, rolls a 90
* Player A, is in bracket 0, which means he gets put agains other rollers on bracket 0.
* Player B and C, are in bracket 1, they put against other people in that bracket. -100
* Player C won over Player B with a rollvalue of -40 (Player B had -50) (bracket 0 to -99)
* Player D, is in bracket 2, so his roll was worth -110 (bracket -100 to -199)
On the lists there are some icons showing up. One bag per won item. Green ReadyCheck means that the player has won the SoftReserved item.
- Add compatibility with other addons. I.E. Atlasloot (for linking items manually.)
- You can't use WIM chat window for linking items either.