



SoulKeeper brings fun to the daunting Warlock task of harvesting soul shards! When soul shards enter your bag; the name, level, and the last words of your victim are mapped to that shard. Tired of miscommunication between summoning and using soul stones? SoulKeeper alerts the entire raid/part of all summons/soul stone casts.  


-> Store the name of the victim of your soul shard.
    * Player characters also have their level and a fun quote (last words) associated with them
    * Class colors included!
-> Mouse over details on shards and any conjured stone that display the details of the victim.
-> Personal messages telling you whose soul is used when casting shard consuming spells.
    * Shadowburn, Soulfire, summon pet, health stones, soul stones, etc.
-> Raid/party announcements when summoning and casting soul stone resurrection on players.
    * Announces who is getting the summon/soul stone and whose soul is being used to make it happen!
-> Fun emotes displayed when the soul of a player character is consumed, telling everyone what their last words were!


-> '/sk' or '/soulkeeper' to bring up the settings
-> Three options to choose from...
    1. Alerts: Personal messages seen only by you in your chat box detailing the soul used when casting a shard consuming spell.
    2. Emotes: Fun emotes displayed when the soul of a player character is consumed (any soul with last words).
    3. Group Messaging: Send messages to your raid/party when casting 'Ritual of the Summoning'/'Soulstone Resurrection' describing who will get the summon/soul stone and whose soul will be used to do it.

Work In Progress

Currently the only known issues are attempting to put your soul shards in the bank. For any shard put into the bank, its data will be reset.
This was a fun project I took up for the experience, I'll do my best to keep it updated in my free time.
Please let me know if you find any bugs or have some recommendations on how I could improve this addon (contact below)!