Souschef's UI

Souschef's UI

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Souschef's UI is a custom interface based on ElvUI. Besides having an ElvUI layout for both Healer and DPS roles it also includes settings for other addons like Details!, BigWigs and Parrot. In order to have your UI look exactly as advertised please be sure to use:

  • ElvUI
  • ElvUI Shadow and Light

Although not necessary, Details BigWigs and Parrot will definitely make the UI come together a lot nicer. 

Issue Tracker

If there's anything wrong with the addon, if you have a feature to request, or if you'd like to get regular updates on the addon's development, please head to either the Discord Server or GitLab page and leave a message, and I'll be delighted to try and help.

Credit & Feedback
The UI was designed by Except and kindly put together by r1pt1de. If you'd like show some appreciation or support drop by the Twitch Channel sometime and say hi, I'm always happy to chat.