Spam Message Board

Spam Message Board

Main Purpose

Main Purpose

Take all the global messages and places into neatly arranged spam board. Can filter for, or exclude, any words you want (such as "WTS" or "LFG") so you only see what you are interested in. Quick click options to quickly react to a message available.
Spam Template Helper

Spam Template Helper

Includes a lightweight (and primitive) spam builder template widget to make it a little easier to spam yourself!
Simple exclude to hide bots

Simple exclude to hide bots

Want to find "LFG/LFM" groups and ignore boosters? Now you can!
Can filter/exclude keywords

Can filter/exclude keywords

Can live filter/exclude messages with keywords like "LFG", "WTS", "BRD", etc. Comma-delimit to refine search (ex, Filter for "LF,BRD,SCH" to find groups/players interested in BRD and Scholomance). Better yet, add "WTS" to exclude to hide all boosters!