


SpamBuster is a new Add-on that automatically filters all the in-game chat channels of your choice, Including gold sellers, LFG spammers, anal jokes and all other annoying stuff that happens daily in the trade chat

Anti Spam Features

  • Full points based Spam recognizing system so that only real Spam will be detected and not your friend trying to give you gold.
  • Easy setup and clean way of removing Spam.
  • Auto check players last used sentences with their new ones if they match within an certain time period it will be flagged as spam... Example... LFG Spam
  • Intelligent word matching symbols and numbers wont work so g0ld is still gold and g01l4gu1ld is still gold4guild for the addon.
  • Anti Drunk system very small system that removes the ...hic! from all messages
  • Fake GM Whisper detection.
  • Own Ignore system, The addon has its own ignore system that automatically ignores goldsellers and spammers (Trade spammers with lfg will be added after 5 mutes not directly!)

Filtering Features

  • Possible to filter out annoying Add-on text that some people love to announce. Like recount, skada and alot more.
  • Possibility to turn off Achievements earned by other players like in raids and world channels.