Spare Parts Loot Priority

Spare Parts Loot Priority


Spare Parts Loot Priority

*** Intended for use by the Spare Parts guild on Westfall ***

This addon will display the loot priority (if any) by class and spec on the item’s tooltip.

Currently included raids:

  • Mount Hyjal
  • Black Temple

The addon data is read from loot_table.lua.

This LUA file is generated using and uses a CSV named loot_table.csv.

The CSV file contains one line per item with the following format "id,name,prio,zone,boss,note". "prio" is a list of classes/specs separated by " > " which will get turned into newlines in the item tooltip. If you want a ">" to be printed in the tooltip, eg "MS>OS", ensure that there is no leading or trailing space. "zone", "boss", and "note" are not currently used by the addon.