Speak Up


Speak Up

Speak Up is designed to play user selected sounds in response to specific games events and/or chat channels. Sounds are played through the in-game "master" channel.

Chat Channels

Current channels monitored are:

  • Battlegrounds
  • Officer
  • Party
  • Raid
  • Guild
  • Say/Yell

Game events

Game events currently monitored are:

  • Auctions
  • Achievements
  • Emotes
  • Changes to guild message of the day
  • Party members going offline/coming online
  • Pet deaths (player only)
  • Party/Raid member deaths
  • Player entering combat (in case you hadn't noticed :-))
  • Error messages
  • Incoming mail
  • Battleground inactive debuff being applied
  • Loss of player control

Slash commands

To bring up the options menu

  • /su
  • /speakup

Bug reports / change requests

Please submit a ticket for any change requests or bug reports using the following link: http:wow.curseforge.com/addons/speak-up/tickets/


If you want to help with localising this addon for your region, you can do so here: http:wow.curseforge.com/addons/speak-up/localization/. Please send me a pm when you do so I know to update the addon.