


Note: v2.0 cannot use old saved variables file and may error when trying to read them, so its best to delete and start fresh.

This addon stores Talent/Major Glyph setups for different bosses, saving you from trying to remember them all or having to write them down.

Chat Commands:

  • /specstorage
  • /specs


  • The addon stores per class, so two mages on an account would have the same store.
  • UI will only display the current active specialization setups.
  • From a fresh start you'll only be able to add new setups, adding more will create the menu system.
  • Picking a boss from the menu will display the talents/major glyphs you saved, greying them out if they are currently inactive.
  • UI will update when you change specialization, talents or glyphs.
  • Once you have created a setup for a boss, you can quickly add more bosses from the same instance by editing the one you have, changing the boss name and saving.
  • Saving a setup with a instance name and boss name that already exists will overwrite the old.

Addon has LDB support for Titan panel/FuBar etc