


Molten Blast

ennvina opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Request to track Shaman's Glove Rune: Molten Blast

  • Does it proc from a buff? No, procs from a usable action, expected to be spell ID 425339
  • Where does it come from (baseline, talent, etc.)? Glove Rune
  • Should it display a Spell Alert? No
    • Where? N/A
    • Which texture? N/A
    • Which size? N/A
    • Change color? N/A
    • Spell Alert enabled by default for all shamans? N/A
  • Should it glow buttons? Yes, because this ability can be reset by chance on Flame Shock periodic damage
    • Which buttons should it glow? Molten Blast (spell ID to be confirmed)
    • Which glowing buttons should glow by default? Molten Blast

The ability has been tested successfully for months. It works as intended, but it lingers indefinitely, even out of combat.

This shall be resolved with the upcoming release 1.3.0, where the effect is classified as 'combat-only'. This allows abilities to fade out shortly after leaving combat. See #193 for more information.


Closing this issue, as no problem has been reported in a long time.


Implemented in 1.1.0-beta with the following assumptions (confirmation needed by shamans, please!)

  • Glowing Button with spell ID 425339
  • Spell Alert displayed when the action is usable
  • Spell Alert uses texture impact displayed "Top", at 80% size (because the effect is too big otherwise)
