



WoW Classic addon for displaying Spell Alerts in combat.

Inspired by Retail’s Spell Activation Overlay feature, also known as Spell Alert.

Hosted on CurseForge https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/spellactivationoverlay

For visual previews, please visit the above CurseForge link.

Death Knight Death Knight

  • Killing Machine
  • Rime
  • Rune Strike (glowing button only)

Druid Druid

  • Eclipse (Lunar)
  • Eclipse (Solar)
  • Nature's Grace (optional)
  • Predatory Strikes
  • Omen of Clarity
  • Omen of Clarity (Feral)
  • Elune's Wrath (4p Tier 8 set)
  • Wrath of Elune (4p PvP set Season 5/6/7/8)

Hunter Hunter

  • Improved Steady Shot
  • Lock and Load
  • Counterattack (glowing button only)
  • Kill Shot (glowing button only)
  • Mongoose Bite (glowing button only)

Mage Mage

  • Missile Barrage
  • Clearcasting (optional)
  • Impact
  • Firestarter
  • Hot Streak
  • Heating Up
  • Hot Streak + Heating Up (optional)
  • Brain Freeze
  • Fingers of Frost
  • Frozen (enemy debuff)

Paladin Paladin

  • Infusion of Light
  • Art of War
  • Hammer of Wrath (glowing button only)

Priest Priest

  • Surge of Light
  • Serendipity

Rogue Rogue

  • Riposte

Shaman Shaman

  • Elemental Focus
  • Maelstrom Weapon
  • Tidal Waves (optional)

Warlock Warlock

  • Nightfall
  • Molten Core
  • Decimation
  • Backlash
  • Empowered Imp
  • Drain Soul (glowing button only, optional)

Warrior Warrior

  • Sudden Death
  • Bloodsurge
  • Sword and Board
  • Overpower (glowing button only)
  • Revenge (glowing button only)
  • Execute (glowing button only)
  • Victory Rush (glowing button only)