


Arcane Blast (SoD)

ennvina opened this issue · 2 comments


Request to track Mage's Glove Rune: Arcane Blast

  • Does it proc from a buff? Yes, spell ID 400573, for all stacks
  • Where does it come from (baseline, talent, etc.)? Glove Rune
  • Should it display a Spell Alert? Yes
    • Where? Left/Right
    • Which texture? arcane_missiles for max stacks, and its 1/2/3 variants for 1/2/3 stacks
    • Which size? TBD probably smaller for small stacks (to say "soon™") and slightly higher for max stacks (to avoid overlap with #154)
    • Change color? No
    • Spell Alert enabled by default for all mages? Yes for max stacks, and probably yes for 1-3 stacks too, although unsure
  • Should it glow buttons? Yes, to make sure the mage is invited to cast a spell that resets stacks
    • Which buttons should it glow? Arcane Missiles and Arcane Explosion (might need to add more spells if we discover upcoming runes which reset stacks)
    • Which glowing buttons should glow by default? Arcane Missiles at least, maybe Arcane Explosion as an option

Textures would look like this:


Closing issue, because the ability has been tested successfully for months.


The Arcane Blast implementation in v1.1.1 does not work.

This is due to the fact that the addon expects to find the Arcane Blast buff, but it is actually a debuff.

This shall be fixed for v1.1.2.