


Fine-tune configuration

ennvina opened this issue · 2 comments


Issues #61 and #69 describe how to setup procs generically.

Fine-tune configuration could also be suggested, for example:

  • Mage's Heating Up can proc during a Hot Streak; currently, this "heating up during hot streak" is not shown because it matches the reference client (Retail) but it could be displayed, should the user want to
  • Warrior's Overpower currently procs when the spell is usable and the warrior is in the correct stance; but players may want to see the button glow even if not in the good stance, or the other way around (make the button glow only if already in the good stance)
  • Paladin's Art of War currently procs when the buff is active but, if Exorcism is on cooldown, Retribution paladins may not want to see the spell alert nor the glowing button

The above list is not exhaustive.

As a matter of fact, the goal of this issue is not to implement them, but rather to design a foundation for allowing them to even exist. Once this system will be in place, new issues could be created for each desired configuration.

Issues #61 and #69 should be both implemented first. They are much more demanded and their code will most certainly allow class-based configurations, which would be useful for (and used by) the current issue.


Closing this issue which is too vague. It was a good starting point for brainstorming the future of the addon when development was just beginning, but nowadays it looks like a wish list written on a napkin.

For the record, all mentioned points have had their share of resolutions:

  • Mage's Heating Up "option" has been implemented as the Hot-Streak-Heating-Up option in #112
  • Warrior's Overpower now has an option to glow either in Combat stance or in any stance, since #121
  • Paladin's Exorcism now has a dedicated glowing option for the ability itself (on top of talent+ability) since #211

PS. oddly enough, these pull requests are all numbered with 1, 1 and 2 🤯


#112 added an option to have both Heating Up and Hot Streak effects at the same time. This option is disabled by default.